Sweet Deals

Guad Moang Yesterday we had simple and delicious cinnamon buns …

Guad Moang
Yesterday we had simple and delicious cinnamon buns …


Guad Moang ?
Yesterday we had simple and delicious cinnamon buns, which are made very quickly and are also quickly replenished ?.
I really like it when the pastries are not insanely large, but I think I've written that before! It's like with baby dogs ? they're all cute too ?. Instead of cinnamon, you can always use other fillings such as B a nut or poppy seed filling. You can find both on my page if you scroll down a bit.
You can also write to me!
Unfortunately, the recipe doesn't fit in here. I've already tried to cut it, so I'll save it later in my highlights!

I wish you a nice day ?. #cinnamonrolls #cinnamon rolls



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