Sweet Deals

Guad Moang Would you like a sweet bread? It is nice and juicy due to the apples in the batter …

Guad Moang
Would you like a sweet bread?
It is nice and juicy due to the apples in the batter …


Guad Moang ♥ ️
Would you like a sweet bread?
It is beautifully juicy thanks to the apples in the batter and can also be super frozen. It tastes good with butter or with a curd cream Saulecker!
You can also use this recipe for pimping with nuts, almonds etc.

500g apples
250g flour or spelled flour
150g erythritol
Marrow of a vanilla bean
½ pack baking powder
4 eggs

Mix the erythritol (you can also use another sweetener), vanilla bean, eggs, flour and baking powder. Peel the apples and cut them into small pieces and stir into the dough. Then bake in a small baking tin lined with baking paper (or any other shape) for 40-45 minutes at 160 ° C.

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