Sweet Deals

Guad Moang. How about fluffy Milky Chocolate Pancakes? I know garnic …

Guad Moang. How about fluffy Milky Chocolate Pancakes?
I know garnic …


Guad Moang ❤️. How about fluffy Milky Chocolate Pancakes?
I don't know how long ago it was that I had breakfast pancakes! Breakfast often has to be quick – because predator feeding ?.
We often have pancakes, pancakes, Kaiserschmarrn, rice pudding etc. at lunchtime! A pastry for lunch has to be in once a week. That's how it was with my grandma before!
How is it with you do you also like to eat sweets for lunch?
I have a lot of new ideas for you that I will share with you the week after next! And I'm looking forward to it ?. #pancakes #fitfood #fitness #breakfast #healthybreakfastideas #healthyfood #healthy breakfast #healthy #breakfast #fruits #protein # got7nutrition #pancakelover #pancakes #lecker #highprotein #frank my kitchen #peanutbutter #milky #chocolate #training without eating #calculating #preparation #preparation #pancakesunday



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