Sweet Deals

Guad Moang. Have you ever had french toast muffins with crumble? The s …

Guad Moang.
Have you ever had french toast muffins with crumble?
The s …


Guad Moang ?❤️.
Have you ever had french toast muffins with crumble?
They are sooo delicious ?
But now it is over with the small calorie bombs again. But these recipes are then also times for a gönndir day❤️.
Do you treat yourself regularly?

6 small slices of toast cut into small cubes
4 eggs
150ml of milk
Cinnamon and Xucker Light

For the crumble:
75 g of flour
70 g of Xucker light
1 teaspoon cinnamon
50 g of cold butter
(knead all ingredients and crumble to crumble)

Cut toast into small cubes. Eggs, milk, cinnamon and Xucker whisk and sweeten. Soak the toast cubes in them and fill in the muffin cups and sprinkle the sprinkles on top. Bake at 200 ° for about 20 minutes.

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