Sweet Deals

Good morning sweeties!! I hope you had a nice day with us yesterday …

Good morning sweeties!! I hope you had a nice day with us yesterday …


Good morning sweeties!! I hope you had a nice day yesterday – with us he was like everyone else – only with roses ?hihi. Always think it's a shame, because bouquets really cost something .. and after a few days you have to throw them away. So much of my own picking from the meadow (bad at this time of the year☝?) is ​​much better … not to say that I was not happy about the flowers. On the contrary – I regret it somehow. Who's still alive To my picture:
》 Puddingoats with hot raspberries 《
You need:
Ingredients for 4-6 people☝
| 1 pack of pudding powder vanilla | 175 ml milk | 500 ml water | 75 g oatmeal, fine |
5 tablespoons of Xucker (depending on your taste, there may be more) | 1 well-heaped measuring cup Forever Ultra Vanilla | 150g lean quark | a handful of raspberries |

Boil water, milk and oatmeal in a small saucepan.
Mix the pudding powder and xucker with a little liquid until smooth.
As soon as the oatmeal milk begins to boil, stir in the pudding powder and stir well until the mass has thickened.
Take off the heat and let cool – add Forver Ultra. while stirring from time to time with a whisk.
As soon as the pudding has cooled, stir in the curd.
Serve lukewarm or from the fridge.
Lasts for about 4 days, enough for about 5 portions of breakfast.

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