Sweet Deals

Good morning my loves! How about having breakfast here mega simple and …

Good morning my loves! How about having breakfast here mega simple and …


Good morning my loves! How about having breakfast here ?? ​​mega simple and really delicious!
You just have to mix 100 g coconut yogurt with rice syrup @reishunger, sweet. For the second layer, also mix 100 g coconut yogurt with 3 tbsp raspberries Grated one tonka bean @spicebar and rice syrup @reishunger and for the third layer 100 g coconut yogurt with 1 tbsp raspberry powder @spice_bar, 2 tsp chia seeds, two pinches of lemon peel @spice_bar, Mix rice syrup @reishunger and fill everything in a glass!
Have a nice day ?. ,
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