Sweet Deals

Good morning my loves! Here is the recipe for my coconut cashew quark …

Good morning my loves! Here is the recipe for my coconut cashew quark …


Good morning my loves! Here is the recipe for my coconut-cashew quark, which I recently ate with my waffle sandwich intended for every day!
Have a wonderful Sunday?.
200 g cashew nuts, 300 ml water for puree,
400 ml coconut milk at least 60% coconut, 1.5 tsp agar agar, 150 g natural soy yogurt.
Put the cashew nuts in a bowl and pour in three times the amount of cold water. Cover and soak for 5-8 hours at room temperature. Then drain, pour away the soaking water.
Puree the soaked cashew nuts with 300 ml of water so that a creamy liquid is created.
Whisk the coconut milk with the agar and bring to the boil. Simmer the milk for 2 minutes, then remove from the heat and let cool for 5 minutes. Mix in the cashew cream. When the mixture has cooled lukewarm, stir in the soy yogurt.
Pour the mixture into a sealable container and put it in a warm place for 8-10 hours (or fill it in a yogurt maker.) After the maturing period, put the curd in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours. Then puree again if the mass is too firm.
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