Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys Household child does #mama everyday Coffee brewed (oh …

Good morning lovelys
Household child does #mama everyday Coffee brewed (oh …


Good morning dear ?
✔Household ✔Child does #mama everyday ✔Coffee brewed (nothing works for me at all) I have it now
Fluffi quark pancakes as ✔breakfast based on the recipe from @janastrawberry ?
 I love pancakes ?❤ who else?
When I think about what I'm going to eat in the next few years ? eating is something great ? and then something where you don't have to have a bad conscience ?
You can find the complete recipe on her blog ❤

1 egg
2 tbsp curd cheese
Confectionery sweetener
3 tablespoons of flour
1 splash of water or milk
baking powder
optional cinnamon or other spices

#healtyfood #fitfood #cleaneating #fitnessfood #fitnesslifestyle #healthy #foodporn #diet #fitness #cheatday #bodybuilding #fooddiary #lowfat #girlswholift #protein #pancakes #gesundbacken #proteinpancakes #adipositasfighter



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