Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys. Advertising | These pudding particles are the tastiest the …

Good morning lovelys.
Advertising | These pudding particles are the tastiest the …


Good morning lovelys.
These pudding particles are the tastiest I've eaten so far. I'm a total pudding fan who else?
You can of course fill it with other things or make it hearty. Then you just have to leave out the sugar when preparing it.
Unfortunately, the picture is not so beautiful, I think .. But that is also irrelevant?. They taste good and I look forward to your messages ❤️. Pudding:
1 packet of pudding vanilla
380 ml milk 1.5%
2 tbsp erythritol @ got7nutrition
First cook the pudding (with 380 ml milk) and let it cool.
Tip: If you put a cling film over the pot, the pudding will not get any skin.

250 g milk
1/2 cube of yeast
6 tablespoons of sugar
500g flour
1 pinch of salt
1 packet of baking powder
1 egg yolk
100 g of oil

Warm the milk slightly. Then stir in the yeast and sugar. Add the flour, salt, baking powder, egg yolk and the oil and stir with a dough hook.
Cut the dough into a roll on a floured surface and cut small pieces. These are then rolled out individually oval.
Cut in half the individual pieces of dough. Then put 1 tbsp of pudding on the uncut side and roll upwards in the direction of the incisions. The incisions must be on top after being rolled up and then put on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. In the oven at 200 ° for approx. 15 minutes. After baking, remove from the oven, let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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