Sweet Deals

Good morning dear :) on the last day of 2017 and on a healthy …

Good morning dear :) on the last day of 2017 and on a healthy …


Good morning dear :] on the last day in 2017 and on a healthy and successful new year 2018 ??? ✨? ? Here is a quick winter breakfast for you ❤? as long as winter is still there ? ratbaked apple curd cheese ?250 g lowfat quark
Milchsome milk or buttermilk to stir smoothly
Cup1 cup Magic Stuff ?For the topping?
1 apple
2 tsp coconut oil
3 tbsp almond pencils
ground cinnamon
1 tsp honey
Mix the curd with milk and magic stuff until smooth.
Peel an apple, remove the casing and cut into pieces. Heat the coconut oil in a coated pan, fry the apples in it until they are a little softer but still have a bite.
Roughly chop the almonds, add to the apples, dust with cinnamon powder and shake the pan well. Pour honey over the curd while enjoying. ???I wish you a happy new year 2018??? #breakfast #bratapfel #fitness #feelgood #wheyprotein #bodytransformation #healthylifestyle #foodporn #healthymama #nikonphotography #followme #foodblogger #foreverultra #xucker



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