Good morning and #happyfriday dear ones !! And welcome to all new ones in my little magic mummy world ? #imsohappy Thank you ?
I noticed that you actually moan too much about some “little things”, be it just the weather! But we can be so happy about everything we have … 4 seasons e.g. and that we are healthy !! The most important!! There is so much suffering, pain, hatred, envy (just too much). How about if we are just thankful for what we have today? ?
I am now grateful, for example, that I can eat such a delicious breakfast ?
And ois voi easy (?and everything fully easy) ?
You only need a little bit | natural yogurt 150g | a few droplets of flavor drops Acai Berry @ got7nutrition ** advertising | and a few sky bears underneath | ?
With this post, I am doing the # leckerindenfrühling Challenge from @dani_fitlifestyle and @fit_alexis in cooperation with @vitanatura_plus and the #gutelauneleckerei @alicewunderszauberzeug and @jessi_ka_fit in cooperation with @ got7nutrition
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#iifym #instafood # f52grams #bodybuilding #mama #kinder #protein # muesli #breakfast # breakfast