Sweet Deals

FroYo Bites frozen yogurt appetizers with blueberries 120 g blueberries 100 g yogu …

FroYo Bites
frozen yogurt appetizers with blueberries 120 g blueberries 100 g yogu …


❣FroYo Bites❣
frozen yogurt canapes with blueberries ?120 g blueberries?100 gyogurt
El1 El Magic Stuff (well heaped)
if you like it even sweeter add xucker or honey. ? Line the baking sheet with baking parchment.? Stir the yoghurt with the creamy powder.? Pin the blueberries on the toothpick and dip in yoghurt.?
Place the yoghurt berries on the baking sheet and let them freeze for about 3 hours. ?A successful year 2018?
#gesundundcker #fitnessmotivation #ab slim # 2018 #beginning #recipes #fitandhealthy #motivation #loveeating #protein #froyo #blueberry #fruit #shape #fitness #snack #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #gym #foodie #yummi #foodlove #feetfeet #foreverudtra



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