Sweet Deals

Fluffy Sweet Pizza complacent? Yesterday was again pizza time with us, …

Fluffy Sweet Pizza complacent?
Yesterday was again pizza time with us, …


Fluffy Sweet Pizza complacent? ?
Yesterday was once again pizza time with us, and I thought to try them with quark and strawberries ?.
I like to eat eg Quark with berries, jam etc on the bread roll .. This is almost the same ?. Tastes incredibly delicious and it's just something else! Which of you would like to try?
Have a nice day you love?
125 ml of lukewarm water
225 g flour
5 g of yeast
6 ml olive oil
1 pinch of sugar
1 pinch of salt
Mix the ingredients in a bowl and mix to a smooth dough.
Cover the dough well and leave in a warm place. If he has doubled his volume, then knead once and let covered again until you can process in.
Then roll out the dough and bake at 180 ° for 15 min.
For the topping, I mixed 200 g of Alpro soy go on (Quark alternative) with the rubbing of a tonka bean and Vanilla Flavordrops @ got7nutrition and spread it on the pizza. And last but not least strawberries on top.
With the code Magic10 you save 10% @ got7nutrition
With the code Magic5 you save 5% @ foodyboard
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