Sweet Deals

Fluffy strawberry biscuit roll Hello dear ones. Who wants a piece? I like…

Fluffy strawberry biscuit roll Hello dear ones. Who wants a piece? I like…


Fluffy strawberry biscuit roll ❤️ Hello you love ☺️. Who wants a piece? I am now making myself comfortable on the couch☺️.
, ,
Have a nice evening ?.

For the dough
5 eggs
100 g of Xucker
75 g of flour
30 g starch
1 Msp. Baking powder
1 pinch of salt
powdered sugar
For the filling:
350 g strawberries
200 g strawberry jam
400 g of cream
50 g of Xucker
2 packets of cream stabilizer
1 packet of vanilla sugar

Separate eggs for the dough. Beat the egg whites with salt until stiff, add 70 g of sugar.
Beat egg yolk with remaining sugar until foamy, fold in egg whites carefully. Mix the flour with the starch and baking powder and then fold in.
Spread the dough on the baking tray and bake in a hot oven at 200 ° for approx. 10 minutes.
Spray kitchen towel with water. Pour the biscuit with baking paper onto the kitchen towel. Brush the baking paper with cold water and carefully peel off after 20 seconds.
Roll up the biscuit with the kitchen towel and allow to cool.
For the filling, wash strawberries. Puree half of the strawberries, cut the other half into small pieces. Whip cream with sugar, vanilla sugar and cream stiff. Just before the end add strawberry puree and mix again. Add chopped strawberries, chill.
Heat jam. Roll out the biscuit plate and sprinkle with jam and strawberry cream.
Carefully roll up the roll and sprinkle with powdered sugar.



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Hatice Demir

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