Sweet Deals

Feta melon salad with fresh mint. I remember exactly when I saw this …

Feta melon salad with fresh mint. I remember exactly when I saw this …


Feta melon salad with fresh mint. I remember exactly when I saw this salad for the first time. It took me a whole year to finally try it, and I have to admit that I regret not having tried it right away. ?
Almost everyone here likes the Feta melon salad, he can not miss any spontaneous grilling and is always eaten.?
Is there actually someone who has not tried him yet? , ,
And this is how it is done:.
700g watermelon, without peel
200g feta
2 sprigs of mint
Juice of a lemon
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp honey
black pepper
Cut the watermelon into bite-sized pieces. Cut feta and mint leaves into small pieces and spread over them. Mix the dressing with lemon juice, olive oil and honey and drizzle over melon and feta cheese. Finally, grind some black pepper fresh and sprinkle over the salad. ,
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