Sweet Deals

crispy chocolate waffle rolls with Tonka cheese.Advertising | Hello you love. Nac …

crispy chocolate waffle rolls
with Tonka cheese.Advertising | Hello you love. Nac …


crispy chocolate waffle rolls
with Tonka cheese.

Advertising | Hello you love ☺️. After the request was so big for the recipe of the new year you get it of course. I just added a little cocoa powder this time.
I hope you had a great weekend? With us it was pretty cold and rainy ☔.
, ,
Have a nice evening ?.
?160 g brown sugar
EL2 tablespoons cocoa
?150 ml of coconut oil
?300 ml almond milk
?60 g of gluten-free flour

Process all ingredients at a smooth time. Put a tablespoon into the croissant machine @lidlde. After about 2 minutes they are ready. Then carefully roll up and fill as desired.



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Hatice Demir

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