Sweet Deals

congee , , , Advertising | With the smell of rice porridge, I always have my time …

Advertising | With the smell of rice porridge, I always have my time …


Advertising | With the smell of rice porridge, I always have to think about my time in kindergarten. Once a week, the dessert arrived there on the table. For many children that was a highlight every time. Sweet as a main course – what could have been better? ? So easy and delicious. Rice pudding is always ☺️
And that's why my food goes to #diearchekocht.
The ark @die_arche advocates for children in Germany to provide each child with a warm meal ❤️.
Do you want to join? then share your favorite food from your childhood under the #diearchekocht (very important to remember the hashtag)
Have a nice day ❤️
1 l of milk
1 vanilla pod
250 g rice pudding
1 vanilla pod
1 pinch of salt
Vanilla Flavordrops @ got7nutrition.
Bring milk to a boil with flavordrops. Slice the vanilla pod lengthways and scrape out the vanilla pod. Pod and marrow to give the milk.
Add rice pudding and salt to the boiling milk.
Sweat rice pudding on low heat with occasional stirring for 25-30 minutes. Take out the vanilla pod.
Topped with strawberry caramel cubes and chocolate drops. ,
With the code Magic10 you save 10% @ got7nutrition
With the code Magic5 you save 5% @foodyboard.



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