Sweet Deals

Beautiful good morning Monday morning … work calls … tonight it's time …

Beautiful good morning
Monday morning … work calls … tonight it's time …


Beautiful good morning ❣?
Monday morning … work calls … tonight we go to the SHG ? bring new treats to try .. I'm curious how they will arrive. I will tell you in any case ? so now I'm swinging a round vacuum cleaner? and of course my little man too. ? Did our best granny get a vacuum cleaner ? Are your children so busy too? ?? # mama everyday
Have a new tasty recipe for you ❣
Banana oatmeal particles (also great for your kiddies)
EL4 tbsp coconut fat
?2 very ripe bananas
EL7 tbsp maple syrup ?6 tbsp almond butter
?360 g oatmeal @koelln_deutschland ?1 baking pan, 20 x 30 cm, lined with baking paper

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
Put the coconut fat in a small cup and put it in a larger bowl with hot water. So the coconut fat melts quickly. If you have a microwave, you can certainly melt the coconut fat in there quickly, but I'm not familiar with that.
Press the bananas with a fork and put them in a mixing bowl. Add the maple syrup, almond butter and the melted coconut fat and mix everything well. Add the oatmeal and mix everything well.
Place the dough in the prepared baking pan and press down. Bake in the preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes until the surface is golden brown.
Let cool and then cut into pieces.

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