Sweet Deals

Apple curd pancakes as we love them! A family recipe that and already …

Apple curd pancakes as we love them! A family recipe that and already …


Apple curd pancakes as we love them! A family recipe that has been with us for many years .. Do you also have recipes that remind you of your childhood?
I have a few delicious things in my head right now, like these delicious apple pancakes!

I wish you a good start to the weekend ?

500 g low-fat curd
150 g spelled flour
3 eggs
Marrow of a vanilla bean
A pinch of salt
40 g Xucker light
2 apples (cut into small pieces)
2 tablespoons of mineral water

First mix the dry ingredients and stir together with the moist to a smooth dough. Finally stir in the apples and let them rest briefly.
Put a ladle of batter in a pan with a little margarine and slowly fry.

Optional: cinnamon & sugar, powdered sugar or vanilla ice cream (inspired by) @emmikochteinfach

#apple pancakes #pancakes #quark pancakes



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