Sweet Deals

[Anzeige] Good morning lovelys! I have today to celebrate the day for …

[Anzeige] Good morning lovelys! I have today to celebrate the day for …


(Ad) Good morning dear! With me there is today to celebrate the day for an incredible 3000 followers ? Shortcrust pastry with curd cheese and fruit ? Many thanks to all of you ♥ for the great feedback I get from you every day! It really means a lot to me ♥.
For the cookies you need: 200g ground almonds (please peeled almonds) 50g coconut flour, 1 egg, 25ml cold water, a pinch of salt, grated tonka bean @spice_bar, 50g butter.
Chop / mix all ingredients (except butter) in a food processor. Add flakes of butter and mix again. Form small biscuits from the dough (you can also use the dough as a cake base) and bake at 170 ° for 12 minutes. ,
My topping war curd sweetened with lard flavdrops @ got7nutrition and berries ?.
And then I take part in the #fitundfruchtig Challenge from @less_sarah @foodstylist_happykids @frooggies.
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