Sweet Deals

Advertising | Hello you love A short sign of life from me windows are now al …

Advertising | Hello you love
A short sign of life from me windows are now al …


Advertising | Hello you love ☺️
A short sign of life from me ? windows are now all inside .. Now a huge car wash for the house would be right!
Or would someone like to volunteer to clean? ?
Building a new house would have been easier than expanding ?.
Which one of you has a house? ,
Have a nice evening ?
, ,
75g spelled flour, 20g coconut flour, 90ml vegetable milk, about 50ml mineral water, 40g unsweetened apple purée, 4g baking powder, 20g almond flour, butter biscuit Flavordrops @ got7nutrition. Mix all the liquid ingredients and the dry extra. Mix everything and bake it in a waffle iron. Take it out carefully and let it cool.

I topped it with yogurt and hot cherries ?. ,
You can get 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
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