Sweet Deals

Advertising | Gugelhupf. , , , There is nothing better than the morning after the …

Advertising | Gugelhupf.
There is nothing better than the morning after the …


Advertising | Gugelhupf.
There is nothing better than opening the fridge in the morning after getting up and taking a cake. By the way, turn on the coffee and just have a leisurely breakfast without anything to prepare .. just like that and no different.
Which of you can eat cake for breakfast in the morning? ?
Have a wonderful Sunday ?
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4 organic lemons
220 ml soy milk
100 ml agave syrup
1 pk vanilla sugar
1 pk baking powder
400 g of flour or spelled flour
100 ml of vegetable oil
pinch of salt
1 cup cranberries @koro_de
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Wash the lemons hot and then rub the peel finely so that the white peel does not come along. Squeeze the lemons and mix the juice with the soymilk and leave for a few minutes. As a result, the soy milk clots, but what should be so.
In a bowl mix flour with baking powder, vanilla sugar, lemon zest and a pinch of salt.
Add agave syrup and oil to the soy milk and pour the liquid ingredients into the flour while stirring. As long as stirring, until a uniform dough is formed, which falls heavily torn from the spoon. Should it be too liquid, add a little more flour, it is too dry, stir in a little more soymilk. Pour the dough into the greased dish. And spread a cup of cranberries on it.
Bake at 180 ° for about 50-60 min.
With the code Magic5 you save 5% when purchasing @koro_de.
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