Sweet Deals

Advertising | Good morning you love today's high protein quark pancakes with …

Advertising | Good morning you love today's high protein quark pancakes with …


Good morning you love ❤️ Today we have high protein quark pancakes with caramelized apples for breakfast!
You do not need many ingredients for this delicious breakfast!
250 g of low-fat quark
50g High Protein Pancakes Powder (Cheesecake) @ got7nutrition
80 ml of milk or water
3 egg whites
First whip 3 egg whites then milk or water together with the powder and the curd mix ..
Mix the egg whites with the mixture and stir again slowly with the hand mixer.
Heat a coated pan and fry the curds with a little coconut oil or margarine.
Peel an apple, remove seeds and fry in a pan. Gradually add cinnamon and sugar until well caramelized.
With the code Magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
By the way, there are two other varieties of pancakes baking mix, once cheesecake and Milky Chocolate, my absolute favorite ??.
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