Sweet Deals

| Advertising | Good morning lovelys! Thank you from -en for now over …

| Advertising | Good morning lovelys! Thank you from -en for now over …


| Advertising | Good morning lovelys! I thank you from ?-en for now over 4000 followers ? don't know what to say ? I'm speechless!
Now to my little kitchen☝
Since my package came from @spice_bar a few days ago, I had to try the raspberry powder right away?? and it tastes excellent again ? what I would have expected otherwise ??. Meanwhile there are tiny space problems in my kitchen meiner I have to think about something ? where do you put your spices and Co.? Do you have extra shelves or do you stow them in the closet? I would be very interested ?. ,
Recipe for the bottom: 2 eggs, 50 g spelled flour, 20 g custard powder, 1/2 pck. Baking powder, and about 50 g of Xucker. Separate both eggs, add about 1 tablespoon of water to the egg yolk and stir until frothy. Add the xucker and beat until it is creamy. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Mix the flour, pudding powder and baking powder together well (I sifted it) and add it to the egg yolk mixture just like the egg whites. Carefully fold everything in and immediately pour the dough into a form lined with baking paper. For 25 min at 170 ° baking.
For the cream I mixed 250 g curd with 250 g yoghurt, sweeten the mixture with Xucker and taste it. Soak 3 sheets of gelatin and let them soak for 5 min. I added 2 tablespoons of Rimmbeerpulver @spice_bar into the mass and then added little by little to the heated gelatin. On top of that a little protein spread @ got7nutrition and done Was the little raspberry dream ?. ,
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