Sweet Deals

* Advertising * chocolate pancakes , , , Can a day start better than with pancakes? …

* Advertising * chocolate pancakes
Can a day start better than with pancakes? …


* Advertising * Chocolate Pancakes??
Can a day start better than with pancakes? Yes! With chocolate pancakes?? you know, chocolate in the morning sells grief and worries and also at lunchtime and in the evening ???. This is my post for # aris40kparty @ari_goes_to_wonderland ?.
I wish you a nice Sunday ?.
Recipe: 50 g spelled flour, 25 g melted flakes, 15 g cocoa powder, 15 g chocolate protein powder, baking powder, 30 ml mineral water and approx. 100 – 120 ml oat milk, 1 mashed banana sweetened with toffee flavor drops @ got7nutrition. Mix the dry and liquid ingredients extra and then stir everything together and let the dough stand for a few minutes. Depending on the consistency, add some liquid or flour and fry the pancakes on a medium level with a little coconut oil.
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