A wonderful Saturday morning Everyone ? Have you had a good start to the weekend?
To make your heart beat faster, you need:
50 g – hazelnut butter
45 g – whey protein powder (chocolate flavor, or chocolate hazelnut).
1 tbsp cocoa powder (heavily oiled).
40 – 50 ml milk (3.5%)
Depending on the taste, powdered sugar for subsequent sweetening
And what should definitely not be missing are the ❤RIO CRUNCH BARS @ got7nutrition❤
First stir the milk with the protein powder with the whisk until a creamy mass is formed, without lumps! Then stir in the hazelnut butter and cocoa powder and stir for a very long time. The result is a shiny and smooth cream. Vary in milk if the cream is too thick. That can differ depending on the whey protein. Just stir the desired consistency! Had mixed a little curd cheese with milk and xucker and slapped on top with Rio Crunch and topped with chocolate candies.
with this contribution I do at the #fooxyschokistreich
Challenge @mrfoodfoox and @ got7nutrition with ?
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