Sweet Deals

A cake does not need much to wrap around your finger A few tricks …

A cake does not need much to wrap around your finger A few tricks …


A cake does not need much to wrap around your finger ? A few tricks, a big dose of love and you're done with your favorite cake. It is the same with nut cake ❤️.
I overlooked the fact that I forgot the recipe to write. This now follows:

Have a nice day you love ?. ,
200 g of flour
20 g of cornstarch
12 g baking powder
150 g of sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon optional
220 g soy milk unsweetened
120 g vegetable oil tasteless (for example rape)
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Ground 100 g of hazelnuts
For the glaze
100 g block chocolate
10 g of vegetable oil tasteless (such as rapeseed)
Chopped 20 g of hazelnuts
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C top / bottom heat and grease the cake well. I always use baking spray.
Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl with a whisk. Then add soy milk, oil and lemon juice and mix quickly to a dough. Finally stir in the ground hazelnuts.
Pour the dough into the prepared tin box and bake in a preheated oven for 45-50 minutes. After about half of the baking time, cover the cake with aluminum foil so that it does not get too dark.
After baking, place the cake in the mold on a wire rack and let it rest for 1 hour. Then carefully remove from the mold and let cool completely on the wire rack.
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