Sweet Deals

???????? ???????????? (??????)ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Guad Moang today, there is finally the …

???????? ???????????? (??????)ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Guad Moang today, there is finally the …


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ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Guad Moang ❤️ Today is the recipe for the Nussstangerl!
A super easy recipe, and these Stangerl fit just any occasion!
If you have a nut allergy or just do not like nuts, you can also make them with other ingredients.
Whether hearty or just with jam or Nutella. Your imagination has no limits ☺️.
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They should be about 1 – 1.5 cm wide, otherwise you can not turn it nice as I have already shown in my story!

So and now to the recipe:
(I made the filling with the Thermomix, but also goes with the hand mixer). 100 g almonds
100 g of hazelnuts
60 g sugar or Xucker Light
1 egg
1 Msp. Cinnamon @hartkorn_gewuerze
70 g of milk
2 rolls of powdered pastry from the Kühlegal.

Preheat oven to 190 ° C. Almonds, hazelnuts and sugar 10 sec. / Mince grade 10. Add egg, cinnamon and milk and 15 sec. Mix / stage 3. Spread the mass on the two rolls of puff pastry and fold in half each. Cut 1 – 1.5 cm wide strips – like turning a corkscrew – place on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and brush with cold water.20 minutes in a preheated oven.
Coat with powdered icing.
Super delicious – also on the second and third day ???. I wish you a nice Sunday ☀️☕. With the code: ?????_???? you save 20% when shopping @hartkorn_gewuerze

I have my photo background from @foodyboard and with the code ?????? you get 5% discount when shopping ❤️. #nussstangen #nussstangerl
# puff pastry #simplified #single recipes
# count points #recipes
#nuss #foodpowerful
#health #mamablogger #sweet # breakfast ideas # breakfast #deliberate #bayernblogger #balanceddiet #balancednotclean # treat #backen #bakemaking #thermomix #fastbreakfast #fastfood #foodblogliebe #foodiesconnected



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