Sweet Deals

 ????????? As many of you already know, we have the hashtag #FOODIESCO …

As many of you already know, we have the hashtag #FOODIESCO …


? ????????? ?
As many of you already know, we created the hashtag #FOODIESCONNECTED because it's so important to network and be part of this community – THE PLACE FOR FOODIES TO BE! Me and my food-sisters Marlena @pia_mia_clean_food, Coco @ohsweetcoco & Dani @dani_fitlifestyle thought: Now it's time for a PARTY! ? ? ? Do you want to join? ,
Then all you have to do is:
1⃣ Create something special – a dish that all Foodies want to participate in! Something new and inspirational or traditional like pancakes or porridge – we are more than looking forward to your creations! ? ? ? ?
2⃣ Use the hashtag #foodiesconnected to grow our community!
3⃣ Follow us four: @pia_mia_clean_food, @dani_fitlifestyle, @ohsweetcoco & me @ magic.fit.food
4⃣ Tag us in the picture and mention us in the caption so we can see your picture!
5⃣ As a bonus: Spread the party in your story and mention us!
We will show the most creative entries in our stories and share the 4 most amazing, creative and extraordinary images in our feed the next 3 Saturdays! ?
The party is running for 3 weeks. So you have 3 weeks to create something and join in, as we present and share your contributions every Saturday evening!
Are you ready?! We are very happy about your contributions. Let's connect all #foodies together! We thought this is also a great way to give smaller accounts a chance to be seen. ?



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