Sweet Deals

ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Nut macaroons , , Good morning my loves! the last few weeks it was …

ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Nut macaroons
Good morning my loves! the last few weeks it was …


ᴡᴇʀʙᴜɴɢ | Nut macaroons?
Good morning my dear! ? The last few weeks it has been very quiet here with me! Fortunately we are all healthy again! Actually, I am not often ill. I am usually lucky, but sometime it gets caught every time! ? These delicious giant macaroons are in our cookie jar and are waiting to be eaten ?.
I wish you a nice Saturday! ,
3 egg whites, 1 teaspoon lemon juice,
Roasted Almonds Flavor Drops @ got7nutrition,
250 g ground hazelnuts,
1/2 tsp cinnamon @spice_bar,
1/2 pack of bourbon vanilla sugar, 1 pinch of salt,
50 g hazelnut kernels, unpeeled.
Beat the three proteins very stiffly with the tablespoon of lemon juice. Pour in the cinnamon and vanilla sugar while stirring and continue beating until you get a shiny mixture. Carefully fold in hazelnuts and flavor drops. Place the mass on the baking sheet piece by piece with an ice cream scoop and place one almond on each. Place in the oven on the middle shelf and bake at 140 ° for about 20 minutes.
with the code magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
I got my photo backgrounds from @foodyboard
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