instant pot recipes

Instant Pot Steamed Tomatoes

Instant Pot Steamed Tomatoes


Instant Pot Steamed Tomatoes. Super fast and simple and the perfect use out of your juicy tomatoes. Use my Instant Pot steamed tomatoes method for quickly peeling your tomatoes or for batch cooking tomatoes for the freezer.

Instant Pot Steamed Tomatoes



  • Slice the tomatoes into halves, or quarters if you have really big ones.
  • Season the tomatoes with salt and pepper.
  • Place the tomatoes into the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker.
  • Add 1 cup of water and place the lid on the Instant Pot. Set the valve to sealing and cook on manual for 0 minutes.
  • Quickly release pressure and using a fork gently remove the skin from the tomatoes.


We we’re camping when we made our Instant Pot Tomatoes. We found that a slight nudge with a plastic fork on the skin was enough for it to fall of and then leave the rest of the tomato perfect.

#instantpot #instantpotcooking #instantpotrecipes



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Hatice Demir

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