Food Minimalist

What’s your favourite type of pasta? Mine’s probably penne or linguine but I rea…


What’s your favourite type of pasta? Mine’s probably penne or linguine but I really love these orecchiette too (tough question to answer, actually haha). Anyway, I made this pan of Orecchiette with a Tomato ‘Meat’ Sauce ? a little while back and I’ll share the recipe below! Orecchiette are basically hat shaped pasta and they’re not as common as other types of pasta but I love cooking with them ✨

Also I kept this one in the pan because sometimes you’d just rather eat off a pan and save up on an extra plate to wash ?? Orecchiette with a Tomato ‘Meat’ Sauce
Serves 2-3 people

200 g dried orecchiette (2 cups), or pasta of choice
1/2 cup TVP (textured vegetable protein), vegan mince, or minced cooked mushrooms* 
1 1/2 tbsp olive oil 
1 large onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 cup tomato sauce
2 tsp fresh basil plus more for garnishing
1 1/2 tsp salt, or to taste** Notes:
*I used 1/4 cup dried TVP and soaked it in hot water to yield 1/2 cup
**The salt with depend on the seasoning of your tomato sauce since some are already quite flavorful

1. Cook the pasta until al dente.
2. While the pasta is cooking, heat a pan with the oil. Sauté the onions. Add in the vegan mince or minced mushrooms and cook for another 2-3 minutes until lightly browned. Add in the tomato sauce, dried basil, and leave to boil over medium heat. 
3. Add in the salt and season to taste. Add in the orecchiette and mix well until pasta has absorbed some of the sauce, ‪around 4-5‬ minutes. Turn off heat, garnish with some basil, and enjoy while hot!
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