Vegan Meals

Kale & Basil Orecchiette Just so you know, my kids despise kale, but this pesto …


Kale & Basil Orecchiette ???Just so you know, my kids despise kale, but this pesto they adore. So if that’s not an endorsement I don’t know what is ??‍♀️
What you need: 1 cup packed basil leaves, 1 cup packed kale leaves, 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts (sub walnuts or you can sub sunflower seeds for a nut free version) 1 tlbs nutritional yeast, 2tsp white miso paste, 2 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 cup olive oil ( if you want to oil free sub some veggie broth)
1️⃣ Cook Pasta according to directions, and reserve 1/2 cup pasta water for later
2️⃣Toast pine nuts in large skillet (which you will later use for the pasta) on stovetop at medium until golden & fragrant about 3-5 min
2️⃣In food processor combine kale,basil, toasted pine nuts, nutritional yeast, miso paste, lemon juice, salt & pepper to taste, then slowly add olive oil into mixture
3️⃣Add the pasta & pesto to skillet, heat at medium, and pour in the reserved pasta water 1/4-1/2 cup and combine well until heated through.
Enjoy this cheesy herby pesto on sandwiches, pizza, veggies, or wherever. No animals were harmed in the making of this dish ?✌?#peacebeginsontheplate #govegan Happy Wednesday!! ??



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Hatice Demir

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