Food Minimalist

HOW TO REDUCE BLOATING Let’s get one thing straight first- bloating is normal. …


HOW TO REDUCE BLOATING ✨ Let’s get one thing straight first- bloating is normal. Bloating is a typical, bodily process that happens to everyone, especially after eating. We eat food, and it has to go somewhere, so our stomachs expand. However, bloating shouldn’t be painful, and excessive bloating shouldn’t happen after every single meal (if it does you need to speak with an RD!). With that being said, there are some tips to manage this bloating- not get rid of it completely- but manage! ✨.
In my NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO I’m sharing my 12 REALISTIC tips to reduce bloating ✨ No detoxes, special teas, or fasts required ?? check it out at the link in my bio! ?



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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