Food Minimalist

Here’s a bowl and recipe for my favourite Curry Fried Rice —it’s a complete meal…


Here’s a bowl and recipe for my favourite Curry Fried Rice ?—it’s a complete meal, super easy, and will only take you a few minutes. Because let’s be real: there are days when you only have a few minutes to spare to prepare your food. On those days I like to cook a really easy fried rice or stir-fry and chuck in whatever veggies I have on hand. I also always have a frozen mix of corn, carrots, and peas because there are those days too when you don’t feel like washing and chopping up veggies.

Being vegan in a not vegan-friendly university took up a lot of my time, dedication, and planning but hey, I survived 4 years with easy meals like this. It wasn’t easy but it was doable—I’d wake up a few minutes earlier just to have time to prepare my food to school and fried rice was one of my go-to’s. I’d use up leftover rice and just throw it all in a pan with some veggies and season with with some soy sauce and curry powder. This is a perfect bulk-meal recipe too. Sometimes I’d cook a big batch to have for breakfast and lunch, while still having leftovers for the next day.

So anyway, check out the recipe below and I hope you have a great week ahead!

Easy Curry Fried Rice
Good for 1-2 servings

2 cups cooked rice (white, brown, black, etc—whatever you have!)
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp diced onions or onion leeks
2 cloves garlic, minced 
1/2 to 1 tsp salt (adjust depending on desired taste)
Sesame seeds for topping. 
1 tbsp soy sauce or liquid aminos

This part is up to you:
1 cup corn, peas, and carrots mix (I used a frozen mix) 
Spring onion, for topping (though really, this was just for the photo haha)

1. In a pan, heat the sesame oil. 
2. Add in the onions and sauté until tender. Add in the garlic and sauté as well. 
3. Add in the vegetables, tofu, mushrooms (whatever else you’re using) and cook until tender. 
4. Add in the rice and curry powder. Mix well. Season to taste. Enjoy while hot!
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