Food Minimalist

Creamy + tangy pasta with pastrami-style smoked salmon from Trader Joe’s, scalli…


Creamy + tangy pasta with pastrami-style smoked salmon from Trader Joe’s, scallions, chili pepper flakes and lots of lemon.
Serves 2: Cook about 1/2 lb pasta according to package directions, drain, saving about 1/2 cup pasta cooking water. Return pasta to skillet/pot, add about 1/3 cup crème fraîche, stir until melted and combined with pasta, adding a bit of pasta water if things are looking a bit dry. When things look good to you, plate up the pasta, drape on some smoked salmon, scatter some scallions + chili pepper flakes, drizzle on some lemon juice. Season w salt + pepper at the table (but the smoked salmon should be plenty salty)



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