Vegan Meals

⁣Asam laksa – spicy & tangy tamarind-based soup⁣ ⁣ Happy Thursday, friends. Asam…

⁣Asam laksa – spicy & tangy tamarind-based soup⁣
Happy Thursday, friends. Asam…


⁣Asam laksa – spicy & tangy tamarind-based soup⁣?

Happy Thursday, friends?. Asam laksa, another family’s night market favorite for supper can now be made at home. Asam means sour in Malay, and you can expect a sour & spicy flavor from this dish. Originally made with fish, my version has mushroom which once blended gives this soup the texture it needs. Thanks to my friend @wkohlee who taught me this method years ago???

Recipe (yields 3-4 servings)
~ fresh laksa noodles/dried vermicelli (soak until soft & blanch in hot water)⁣
~ 1 small ?, cut into small cubes – save core for soup⁣
~ 1 small red onion & 1 small jicama (cut into cubes)
~ 1 bunch Vietnamese coriander (daun kesum) – stems & leaves separated⁣
~ 2-3 pieces dried tamarind slices (asam keping) or 1 tablespoon tamarind juice⁣
~ torch ginger flower (bunga kantan) – optional⁣
~ 4-5 stalks lemongrass (green & white part separated)⁣
~ 1 dried lion’s mane mushroom, soaked until soft & clean⁣
~ 8-10 cups veggie stock (homemade stock)⁣
~ 1 teaspoon mushrooms seasoning – optional⁣
~ salt & sugar to taste⁣ ?Chili paste: Blend together 8 fresh red chilis, 4 dried chilis, 2 stalks lemongrass (white part only) & 3 shallots in oil. Cook chili paste in 2 tablespoons oil on a heated pan until fragrant (5-8 minutes), set aside.⁣ ?Soup: In a big pot with veggie stock, place in 1/2 cup?cubes & all core, Vietnamese coriander stems, lemongrass stalks (green only), torch ginger flower, lion’s mane mushroom, red onion & jicama. Bring soup to boil then simmer for 45 minutes. Remove? core, stems & lemongrass, jicama & onion. Add in tamarind slices/juice, Vietnamese coriander leaves & chili paste, cook for another 30 minutes. Remove leaves, pineapple & mushroom – blend all until fine. Pour it back to the soup & cook for another 30 minutes. Season with salt and 1/2 tablespoon sugar (more if needed), remove tamarind slices (if using) before serving. ⁣

?Garnish suggestions: mint leaves, pineapple cubes, shredded cucumber & lettuce, Vietnamese coriander & lime⁣

Cook laksa noodles & ladle soup over, then garnish with above ingredients. Slurp away, everyone. ?



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Hatice Demir

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